
Music - The Anchorsholme Way


To provide children with a music curriculum that consistently: inspires curiosity through a range of songs, genres and instruments. This will enable children to boost confidence in finding rhythm and expression in various ways. This should also help them to identify features of various music genres, time periods and styles. Our aim is for every pupil to be a confident with finding a pulse and artistic freedom.

Cultural Capital

  • Songs and genres are appropriately selected to expose children to different backgrounds, cultures, religions, time periods and experiences.
  • Children explore songs that correspond and link with their current curriculum.
  • We introduce musical terms to help broaden musical vocabulary.
  • Year 3 start learning recorders and the choir begins in KS2.
  • There are yearly music extravaganzas, which includes instrumentalists, dance, singing and choir.
  • There is a yearly celebration of “The Big Sing”, which involves every year group in working together to a theme and perform.
  • Mr Morley delivers drum lessons.
  • Music is included in some Funky Friday activities.
  • Music from the Music Spine is played as children are walking in and leaving assembly, and over the tannoy.
  • Music from the Music Spine is played as children enter the class to calm or transition from breaks in to learning time.
  • Singing for fun assembly occurs every Wednesday AM.
  • Annual Carol service performance at Rossall, optional for all children and staff.

Lesson Expectations

  • Working as an ensemble for performances and activities.
  • Every child has an opportunity to demonstrate their musical understanding and opinions.
  • Exposure to a wide range of musical genres and questioning their undertstanding of the music.
  • Being able to express thoughts and feelings of different pieces of music.


  • Sessions are mixed ability and not grouped, as children can answer what they think or feel and share opinions.
  • All SEND children should be supported to fully participate in music lessons.
  • Support may include: teacher or TA support, peer support, pre-teach of vocabulary, differentiation of activities and practical resources.
  • There are opportunities for music lessons across the school and extra curricular activities, such as choir and the Big Sing.

Early Years

  • Opportunities to combine music with motor skills.
  • Indentifying a range of instruments and matching pitch.
  • Copy cat rhythms to help listening skills.

More Able

  • Pupils are able to work in groups and have discussions to express their understanding.
  • Regular and extended questioning to gain a greater understanding.
  • Opportunities to demonstrate musical skills.



Extra Curricular Activities

Staff Members

Years Established